Saturday, April 21, 2012

Home is where the art is...

I'm feeling the sacred hearts at the moment... Here's a little design I knocked up and framed for my art-buddy Rene's birthday present. Hope she likes it :)    Right I am supposed to be in Whitstable right now, so I reckon me and Columbo better get a move on. Peace out.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So having recently split with the boy of 6 years, I thought I'd take on the philosophy of Bridget Jones "I will not be beaten by a bad man and an American stick insect; instead I choose vodka and chaka khan"... althought he wasn't a bad man at all, there was no insect, I'm replacing vodka with Pinot Grigio and Chaka Khan with clay... so nothing like it really... but hey... so anyyyyywayyyyy...I have been somewhat distracted by this and the shocking and really sad passing of a dear dear friend, and I have been a little tardy when it comes to artwork. I have about 3 unfinished pieces on the go, although I did manage to finish a portrait for my mum... boy was that a nerve wracking experience handing that over!!
So I thought today I would start afresh, I have made Senor El Corazon! He is a a positive beacon for love! Now while he looks a little grumpy now, he will look a lot more cheerful when fired and coloured. But he has a tasty behind... oh yes, a tattoo style rear, which I am really pleased with and can't wait to paint him! I'm thinking about adding some text to this one too, maybe a positive quote about lurrrrve. I think we could all do with a bit of sun-shine and light (oo-ooo idea for a new skull... Sunny or radiante!).
However, I was impaired in making said skull by the new man in my life, Lord Tuxley-
my cat, who spent the entire time trying to scupper my artistic plans... little shitebag! However, I vow to do lots more art and not turn into a crazy cat lady. Well ...I'll try... :)