Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu SHOOOOOEEESSSSSSS! Ready for Download BABY!

My Super new wellies... Alexander Henry design welly-boots for me to destroy at Download this year. I am focussing on buying stupid (ly cool) footwear so I don't have to face up to the fact that I am 33 and going to spend the weekend in a tent, with no shower, rollers, mirror or comfort! But I do have these boots, yes I do! Download is gonna be a blast though, what with all the classic bands from my youth playing... including Metallica, reporting to be playing the whole Black Album.

So in buying these, it did make me realise that my unhealthy obsessesion with skulls has reached new lows... my feet! Behold the sad sad sad truth that is my shoe collection...
Yes... feel free to hold aloft your fingers in an "L" shape in front of your forehead. On Artsy news, I've got a piece firing and sorting out my Facebook page for Madame Munki... just need to sell some stuff to support my shoe addiction.


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